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St. William's Catholic Primary School

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RE and Catholic Life

Christ at our Heart

The children wear the school motto, Christ at our Heart, on their jumper, close to their heart, to give them a daily reminder of the sense of what each of us are called to do and how our school family must live as Jesus taught us and put our faith into action.

Through the explicit teaching of virtues all children develop a strong understanding and value of and for Catholic life and prayer at St William’s. The high profile of Character Education is well embedded in St. William’s. Consequently, pupils understand the school’s mission and their role in this mission: they can express that they are valued and cared for, a unique person, made in the image and likeness of God. The virtues are shared weekly and are lived out by all members of the school family and prayer is at the heart of all we do together. These are central to the curriculum and school policies such as the Behaviour Policy, SEND and the school’s commitment to serve the most disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the school family. The school is inclusive and seeks to teach world faiths throughout their time with us but maintaining a strong focus on Catholicism, Judaism and Islam.

The Mini Vinnies and Faith Leaders take ownership of the development of the Catholic Life & Mission including strengthening ‘Christ at our Heart’; they directly make decisions about which charity to support and lead fundraising events across school e.g., MacMillan Coffee mornings, Shoe box appeals; they also regularly lead prayer and worship of specific events e.g., Harvest Festival, School Family Masses, Celebrations in honour of Mary, the mother of God etc.

Community and parish links (St. Patrick’s Mission, local care home) help the pupils to develop a deep value and respect for others as well as promoting empathy and compassion, especially for those less fortunate than themselves.

Sacramental Preparation

Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation are usually celebrated at parish Masses during the year. The catechists from the Parish work in either St. William’s or St. Matthew’s school for the preparation classes and both Headteachers liaise closely with the parish catechists and Fr Jones.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation is undertaken in Year 3; Holy Communion is undertaken in Year 4 and the Sacrament of Confirmation in Year 6. There are further opportunities for reflection and receiving the sacraments during the liturgical year.